Our events exist to cultivate family.
With these times of connection we seek to increase in our love of Jesus and one another, to foster growth and fellowship amongst the saints and the community.
This page is designed to keep you up to date on Sunday gatherings, church-wide events, as well as ministry-specific events. Utilize the calendar to browse future events, or scroll through the list below!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Saints' Over the Hill Coffee House
Saints’ Over the Hill meets the first Saturday of every month for Coffee House at the Jodoin’s from 9am-12pm. There is an open invitation to CoffeeHouse as well as each of our events throughout the year.
If you have any questions about Saints’ Over the Hill or need the address for Coffee House, reach out to We look forward to meeting you as you find your special place in our Saints’ Hill Family!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Mondays from 6:30-8pm | Feb 10 - Mar 17
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Saints’ Hill Women: Abide
Calling ladies of all ages! Join us for our upcoming Abide event for an evening of teaching, connection, and fellowship with one another as we lean into what it means to be the righteousness of God. Come comfy, ready to encounter Jesus, and enjoy some fun Galentine's Day treats!
Women of all ages are welcome, as well as nursing babies under 1yr.
Contact if you have any questions.
Parents Night Out
Kids Ministry is not just about the kids - it's about the whole family! Parents, we love getting to celebrate you for the amazing work you are doing to raise Kingdom-minded followers of Jesus.
So, we're hosting Parents Night Out - an event dedicated to honoring parents in our church family. It's a chance for you to take a break, enjoy a date night, and let us take care of your little ones.
Come back later for more details on how to sign up - but for now - save the date!!
Saints' Over the Hill: Valentines Dinner
Come back for more details later - but for now - save the date!
Communion Sunday
On Sunday, February 16th there will be no morning gathering at the Cultural Center.
Instead, we will gather as church family in homes around Newberg to celebrate Communion together.
Learn more about what this means and what you need to do by clicking the button below!
Core Values Book Club
Mondays from 6:30-8pm | Feb 10 - Mar 17
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Mondays from 6:30-8pm | Feb 10 - Mar 17
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Saints' Over the Hill Coffee House
Saints’ Over the Hill meets the first Saturday of every month for Coffee House at the Jodoin’s from 9am-12pm. There is an open invitation to CoffeeHouse as well as each of our events throughout the year.
If you have any questions about Saints’ Over the Hill or need the address for Coffee House, reach out to We look forward to meeting you as you find your special place in our Saints’ Hill Family!
Core Values Book Club
Mondays from 6:30-8pm | Feb 10 - Mar 17
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Mondays from 6:30-8pm | Feb 10 - Mar 17
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Mondays from 6:30-8pm | Feb 10 - Mar 17
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Saints' Over the Hill Coffee House
Saints’ Over the Hill meets the first Saturday of every month for Coffee House at the Jodoin’s from 9am-12pm. There is an open invitation to CoffeeHouse as well as each of our events throughout the year.
If you have any questions about Saints’ Over the Hill or need the address for Coffee House, reach out to We look forward to meeting you as you find your special place in our Saints’ Hill Family!
Christmas Eve Gathering
In addition to our December 22nd & 29th gatherings - will be hosting an abbreviated Christmas Eve Gathering in the Cultural Center on Tuesday, December 24th.
We’d love to have you join us for this special gathering to celebrate the coming of Jesus and our longing for His return.
Note: there will be no childcare provided for this gathering
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Christmas Light Walk & Scavenger Hunt
Come join us for some festive Christmas fun!
Stop by the tent outside the Peterson’s house anytime between 6:30-7:30pm for hot chocolate and scavenger hunt info, then head out on a leisurely self-paced Christmas light walk through the neighborhood.
Friends and families welcome!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Advent Feast
We’re so excited to announce our annual Advent Feast Dinner!
Every year we look forward to this event and the time spent together.
Please click the button below to learn more about this evening and to purchase your tickets.
Saints' Over the Hill Progressive Dinner
Our Saints’ Over the Hill Ministry is putting on their annual “Progressive Dinner” where guests are invited to attend each course of the meal at a different location!
4:30pm - appetizers at the Jodoin’s
5:45pm - salad at the Bartlett’s
7:00pm - dinner at the Smith’s
8:15pm - dessert at the Zahn’s
To end the evening, there will be a wintery stroll through the Greens neighborhood to enjoy Christmas lights together!
Please RSVP to Linda Jodoin at (503) 730-8663 by December 1st for hosts to plan accordingly.
Note: there will be no Coffee House on this Saturday morning & addresses for each stop will be sent via email after RSVPs are collected.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Child Dedications
At Saints' Hill Church, we host Child Dedications twice a year as an opportunity for the church to gather around you and your family - to bless, honor, and encourage you as you raise a young follower of Jesus.
If you have a newborn or a young child you would like to dedicate, please fill out the form below.
Saints' Hill Men: Worship Night
Men of Saints’ Hill, join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and fellowship.
Stay up to date with all things Men by texting “JOIN” to (503) 487-5118.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm | Oct 22 - Nov 12
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Communion Sunday
On Sunday, November 10th there will be no morning gathering at the Cultural Center.
Instead, we will gather as church family in homes around Newberg to celebrate Communion together.
Learn more about what this means and what you need to do by clicking the button below!
Saints’ Hill Women: Abide
We hope you’ll join us for our quarterly Abide Women’s Event.
Abide is an evening of connection, teaching, and fellowship with one another as we lean into what it means to be the righteousness of God. Bring your Bible, journal, and a friend! Women of all ages are welcome, as well as nursing babies under 1yr.
Contact if you have any questions.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm | Oct 22 - Nov 12
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Saints' Over the Hill Coffee House
Saints’ Over the Hill meets the first Saturday of every month for Coffee House at the Jodoin’s from 9am-12pm. There is an open invitation to CoffeeHouse as well as each of our events throughout the year. If you have any questions about Saints’ Over the Hill or need the address for Coffee House, reach out to We look forward to meeting you as you find your special place in our Saints’ Hill Family!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm | Oct 22 - Nov 12
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Saints' Over the Hill Fall Dinner Event
Celebrate the arrival of Fall with us and come on over for some soup and sourdough around the fire pit. We look forward to meeting you and communing over a meal together!
Email for Mike and Linda’s home address.
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Core Values Book Club
Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm | Oct 22 - Nov 12
When Saints' Hill was founded, we centered ourselves around 10 core values. These values largely encompass the culture of our family and create a framework for how we live like Jesus together.
If you have been a part of Saints' Hill for two weeks or two years, we believe that this book club is for you. During this time you will meet weekly with Saints’ Hill leaders to discuss the book and encounter God together.
Learn more & sign up using the button below!
Young Adults Dwelling
Saints’ Hill Young Adults!
Join us for our monthly Dwelling gathering, where we will worship Jesus together, open the Scriptures and get activated in the Holy Spirit. You don’t want to miss.
Text SHYA to 833-222-2036 for updated details on all things Young Adults!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
We will be doing baptisms on Sunday, October 13th after the gathering ends.
If you want to be baptized on that day, click the button below to learn more and fill out the sign up form!
Weekly Prayer
We feel a strong sense that the Spirit of Jesus is calling us as a church into more prayer, so we are making spaces and setting aside consecrated times for God to fill how He chooses.
We will be starting weekly prayer on Wednesday mornings. These times will be un-programmed in that there won’t be a strong structure. Come ready to pray and come ready to listen. Come ready to sing and come ready to commune.
Email with any questions.
Anniversary Sunday
At our gathering on Sunday, October 6th we’ll be celebrating Saints’ Hill’s 6-year anniversary. We hope you’ll join us for a time of worship, communion, teaching, and of course treats!
Fall Family Day at Hoffman Farms
Grab your family and join us for an informal Saturday of fun at Hoffman Farms!
Entrance to the farm is free, with a few activities requiring a small fee (corn maze is $6/person, and the farm train ride is $5).
Saints’ Hill friends will be gathering near the tire hill play area at the farm around 10am if you’d like to join and then will head to the corn maze shortly after.
If you have questions, contact Alanah Sullivan 850.624.3793