This is Identity Club

Freedom is found in rightly placed identity. We want to renew our minds as sons and daughters of God and expose the false identities that we hold onto that we might walk in fear of God alone. Our first club together is aimed at experiencing this freedom together and laying the foundation for all we will do moving forward. We don’t want to pursue anything other than Him and what leads us closer to His side.

The curriculum for Identity Club is simple. Each week you will read the assigned section from “Living Fearless” AND watch the assigned video, spending time with the correlating discussion questions and prayer prompt. Don’t rush the time with questions and prayer. We want to create space for God’s Word, revealed in Scripture and by His Holy Spirt, to form identity.

Week 1 - Nov. 6

Watch the video and go through the discussion questions and contemplation by Nov. 6

Read “Living Fearless” Intro + Section 1

Week 2 - Nov. 13

Watch the video and go through the discussion questions and contemplation by Nov. 13

Read “Living Fearless” Section 2

Week 3 - Nov. 20

Watch the video and go through the discussion questions and contemplation by Nov. 20

Read “Living Fearless” Section 3

Week 4 - Dec. 4

Watch the video and go through the discussion questions and contemplation by Dec. 4

Read “Living Fearless” Section 4

Hungry for More?

Recommended readings for a deeper dive.

  • By Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton

    To experience the full inheritance that Jesus purchased at the cross, you must understand your royal identity. These eight DVD sessions, with new teaching recorded live in Redding, CA, will help lead you into a powerful revelation of your royal Kingdom identity.

    The principles in this course will help identify and break strongholds of thought that have kept many Christians from enjoying their supernatural inheritance: royal heirs to the eternal Kingdom of God.

  • By Jon Tyson

    Jon Tyson's exploration of the reverse economy of the kingdom frees his readers from not only having to earn their salvation but also earn their sense of worth. Life is not meant to be a series of competitions or survival of the fittest, yet the dominant voices in our culture scream that we are only as valuable as our popularity, success, status or social recognition.

    This book offers another way forward. It shows readers the freedom of Jesus light and easy yoke as opposed to the tyrannical yoke of cultural approval or applause. This is a must-read for those exhausted from having to invent or perform their identity or conjure up a sense of destiny.