Saints Over the Hill
Saints Over the Hill exists to create a community of Christ followers of similar ages, walks of life, whose time has been freed from major commitments who may otherwise struggle to find their place and friendships.
Saints’ Over the Hill meets the first Saturday of every month for Coffee House at the Jodoin’s from 9am-12pm. There is an open invitation to CoffeeHouse as well as each of our events throughout the year. If you have any questions about Saints’ Over the Hill or want more details about an event, please feel free to reach out to overthehill@saintshill.church. We look forward to meeting you as you find your special place in our Saints’ Hill Family!
1st Saturday of every month @ the Jodoin’s house
9 AM - 12 PM
Upcoming Events
April 20th - Hiking the Great Outdoors
Watch your email for updates on spontaneous adventures to gather and serve our community!
Get in touch.
Mike and Linda Jodoin are the Deacons of Saints’ Over the Hill, and they’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about this ministry. They will also be able to provide you with any further details regarding the Upcoming Events Schedule.