We are the righteousness of God, filled with hope and joy, building the family of the Church together. We believe that, with our identity firmly rooted in who we are in Christ, anything is possible. The love of Jesus fills us with hope and joy in all circumstances!
Our ministry exists to create space for women to connect with each other and with our King. We do this through quarterly events centered around spending time together, encouraging and strengthening each other in all we do!
Saint's Hill Women's Ministry exists as a connecting resource for women. We do this through quarterly events, where women can gather outside of Sunday mornings to get to know the other women in our community. We are also a resource for prayer, both during Sunday gatherings and through one-on-one meetings. As needs come up within the church, we love thinking creatively about how to bless each other too!
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Text “JOIN” to (503) 459-4932 to receive text updates about future events and announcements.
Get in touch.
If you would like to get involved with planning women's events, are interested in meeting one-on-one, or know of a need within our community, please contact our Deacon for Women.